How strong is your communication strategy?
Does it position you as the premier expert in your community whenever there’s volatility in the markets? Is it personal enough to show you truly care whenever a client is sick, scared, or grieving? Does it integrate you into a client’s life whenever they’re celebrating a personal milestone? Is it frequent enough to make prospects always think of you first whenever they have a financial concern?
Does it consistently lead to more referrals, out-of-house assets, and first appointments?
If not, don’t worry – you can just steal Joe Garrett’s plan. It’s the same strategy he has used to build his business to $250M in AUM. It is the same one he used to reach the top 9% of all LPL financial advisors based on production.
Based in West Georgia, Joe is a longtime user of the Bill Good Marketing System – and one of the best advisors we’ve ever worked with in building the trusted financial advisor relationship with clients and prospects. A big part of his success is his communication strategy: What he sends, when he sends it, and how often.
It’s a strategy that has helped him retain every client even during times of intense volatility, like 2020 or 2022. A strategy that enables him to spend more time developing new business. A strategy that has increased his open rate from 20% to 60%, with zero unsubscribes in over a year. (You read that right.)
A strategy that directly brings in new business on the regular.
And in this webinar, Joe will share his exact strategy with you. And guess what? He’ll be joined by the man who helped him create it: Bill Good himself!
How a Good Communication Strategy Creates the Thing You Need Most
These days, there is one thing financial advisors must do to skyrocket their growth: Become a trusted advisor for more and more people.
A trusted advisor is one held in such high esteem that clients will do whatever the advisor recommends with full belief the advisor is acting in their best interest. Clients must see you this way before they make you their sole advisor or refer friends and family. And prospects must believe you can be their trusted advisor before they’re willing to sign.
Obviously, you have to give high-quality advice and provide outstanding service in order to truly build the advisor relationship. That’s a given. But a good communication strategy is vital, too. A good communication strategy will:
- Consistently demonstrate your expertise
- Prove that you care
- Build enough Top-of-Mind Awareness to get clients and prospects to always think of you first whenever they need financial advice.
In other words, it’s your communications that show clients and prospects how good your advice and services are. It’s the messages you send, the way you communicate them, and the tiny touchpoints along the way that truly deepen your relationships.
To put it simply, financial advisors with a million-dollar communication strategy become multi-million-dollar producers. Those who don’t, probably won’t.
And Joe Garrett has one of the best communication strategies you’ve ever seen.
That’s why if you want to be a consistent top producer, you don’t want to miss this webinar. Joined by Bill Good himself – the man who has been helping advisors rethink their communication strategy for over 45 years – Joe will share every aspect of his communication strategy with you. And the good news is that any advisor can use these same tactics in their own business.
On this webinar, you’ll learn:
- The five key types of communications Joe sends every month and how they lead to deeper relationships and more business.
- The three brands your communication strategy must establish in the minds of your clients and prospects. (If it doesn’t, it’s not a good strategy.)
- The events in each client/prospect’s life that you must factor into your communication strategy and cannot let slip by.
- The campaigns Joe uses that helped boost his email open rate from 20% to 60%.
- The one form of communication advisors neglect most that brings by far the highest ROI.
- How to find the right frequency of communication so that you are always building Top of Mind Awareness with clients and prospects.
- And more!
Why this information leads to deeper relationships and more HNW clients
These days, every investor has plenty of choices for who they turn to for financial advice. (Including your clients!) Your communication strategy is the single most important tool you have to stand out from the crowd, build trust, and get prospects to think of you first the moment they need a financial advisor or want to make a change.
The good news is that many advisors only do the bare minimum when it comes to their communication strategy. If you can rise above that, you will truly stand out…and become the trusted advisor for more and more people.
That’s what Joe Garrett’s strategy does. And once you learn it, you’ll be well on your way to doing it, too.
Oh, and one more thing. As a special “thank you” for attending, you’ll also receive a special “goody bag” containing some of Bill’s resources for perfecting your own communication strategy!

Joe Garrett
President & CEO
Garrett & Robinson

Bill Good
Founder & Chairman
bill good marketing

Matthew Bailey
Head Writer & Director of Client Content
bill good marketing