Our Coaching
Financial Advisor Practice Management Consulting
Tom Brady had a coach—Todd Bowles of the Bucs.
Bryce Dallas Howard, Hugh Jackman, and Leonardo DiCaprio, along with countless other great actors and actresses, all had coaches to get them where they are. Many of them continue being coached long after their monstrous success.
Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google®, said the best advice he ever got as an entrepreneur was the suggestion to get a good coach.
This is what he has to say:
“The one thing that people are never good at is seeing themselves as others see them. A coach really, really helps.”
–Eric Schmidt, Former CEO of Google, Executive Chairman of Google and Alphabet Inc.

How We Define Coaching
Let’s first define what a “coach” means.
The concept is simple, but it must be understood in relation to another term, “teacher.”
Teacher: One who imparts knowledge to others, usually in a structured school situation, but can be on a more informal basis.
Coach: One who helps others implement knowledge gained to the point where it constitutes a skill.
There is certainly a difference. If you’re someone who offers financial services, such as a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), you might have some experience coaching clients as well.
You help new clients implement the financial advice that they get until they can make good financial decisions by themselves and improve their financial life.
A practice management coaching service, especially a good one, takes what you already know and builds on it so you can take your advisory firm to the next level.
With our business coaching sessions, we will focus on getting you to apply, and thereby become better at the 118 best practices you and your team members need to grow your financial advisory practice.
It’s probably why you’re here.
It's Not Rocket Science
Good coaching results in continuous improvement. The best coaching is done one project at a time. These steps do not create overnight change, but a gradual improvement across the course of the year.
Anyone who says, “I can get you to 10X your sales in three months!” is making a promise they can’t keep. And it just isn’t true. You do not manifest success by dreaming of a better tomorrow while not taking the actions that will get you there.
Improving your process takes time. It takes work. It takes implementation. And it takes someone to guide you to resources, train you, and hold you accountable for completing the assignments that will produce that success. This is where we excel with our financial advisor practice management coaching.

You want to double your production?
You want to double your production? It will mean getting your team on board. It will mean crafting your value statement into a vision that your whole team can see.
And then laying out the step-by-step path that will get you to that goal.
But luckily, you don’t have to reinvent that wheel, because whew! We already did that.
And we documented all the processes and best practices you need to either double your production or work half as much as you do today.
What is Success Coaching?
Our success coaching is a process of growing your business by implementing the 118 best practices that have helped to build some of the industry’s most successful advisors.
You might wonder, “How did we get all these best practices?”
The answer requires a little bit of a humble brag.
Mostly we develop them. Once we have developed (or captured) a new process, we test it in multiple offices, across many different cities.
If it consistently produces results in different offices and in different locations, we declare it a best practice, and only then do we incorporate it into our system.
In this way, we ensure that you always have what is working TODAY.

Occasionally a financial professional will do something extraordinary in their office, and we’ll thoroughly document their process. (With their permission, of course). For example, we had an advisor who was VERY good at turning social connections into clients. He developed a gentle process to prospect those you should not prospect. If you did, you could kiss any future party invite goodbye. He found a way around that taboo that is comfortable and gets you more involved in the community.
It was, and is, a GREAT process. And we wanted to share it with our clients. So, to get it into our system, we asked to use it. We had several other advisors run it. It worked every time.
Today that campaign is known as our Wilson Campaign. And should you decide to ever become a client, you’ll know it well. And you’ll see why we teach it as a best practice.
We’ll help you learn and implement all the things you need for your financial planning business. From business development to marketing strategies, such as guesting a podcast, building your social media following, and growing your referral network.
This step-by-step, best practices approach is really a whole system of growth that you implement one project at a time.
And from the first project you complete to the day you graduate from our success coaching program, you will see a steady rate of growth. Because our system is built upon what works. And our coaches hold you accountable for putting each piece in place.
“I have to tell you, all this activity is great. The other times I have worked this hard, while on a hiatus from this business or not, it just has felt wearing. Now, with the activity we have going I feel lighter. I feel like things are clicking along great. I tell people all the time if you can do the work on the front end of this business there is no reason to not be successful. That front end work is where your coaching has helped. Even when the idea may not have been given directly from your coaching, it is your coaching and thought processes and ideas that has helped me expand my thought process and get all of this moving along. I really appreciate your coaching and help in all of this.”
-J.H. West Virginia, US

Are you ready for coaching?
We'll match you with a coach who specializes in helping you reach your full potential as Financial Advisor!
If you’re ready for a coach, give us a call at 888.495.7303.
Ask Jill to match you with a coach aligned to your goals!
Or click below and she’ll call you.