Bill Good Marketing

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Salt Lake City

Apr. 29 - May 2, 2025
$ 3,500
  • 4-Day Asset Accelerator Access
  • Refreshments During the Class
  • Exclusive Top-Profile Questionnaires and Call Scripts

We Fly to You

$ 35,000
  • 4-Day On-site Training
  • No Travel Involved for You and Your Team
  • Tailored in-person training in YOUR office for each of your staff members.
  • Exclusive Top-Profile Questionnaires and Call Scripts

Frequently Asked Questions


Class will be held in the heart of Downtown Salt Lake City at the Broadway Media Towers. Feel free to reach out to our Client Success Coordinator for our recommendations of things to-do/see in town.

The class fees ONLY cover your admission to the class -- three and a half days of expert instruction, guided practice, and course materials. Travel expenses are not included in the class fee.

Yes, feel free to call into our office and ask to speak with our Client Success Coordinator. They can assist with flights, hotels, car rentals, and anything else you might need.

The Course

We see there are really three types of advisors who will most benefit from this course.

  1. Advisors who are just starting up prospecting beyond referrals. If you have not done any prospecting outside of referrals in the last few years, your sales process is likely a little rusty. This class will not only give you a refresh, but get you pumped up to go out there and get new business.
  2. Advisors who have not yet documented their sales process. We know that in order to improve anything, you have to know exactly where you are now and what pieces might be adjusted to test for improvement. You will leave this class with a documented, step-by-step process.
  3. New Advisors. Whether a junior who has yet to "cut their teeth" on closing new business or an advisor who had tried several times but just doesn't have it down yet, this class will be for you.

Asset Accelerator and Launchpad are two very different classes. The only overlap will be on Day 1 during the short introduction. The end result of Launchpad is to get you up and running on the Bill Good Marketing System. It essentially is designed to help you get your processes in place so leads flow into your pipeline.

Asset Accelerator is the class designed to teach you what to do with them once they are in there. The end result is a repeatable sales process that will help you and your team set more first appointments with more qualified leads and close a higher percentage of them.


We will do a deep dive on how to manage the actual sales appointment. This focuses on the sales process itself. It will teach you the best practices that shorten your lead time, increases your close rate, and simplifies the whole process.

We will teach you to use some of our best profiling questionnaires and calling scripts. To support your efforts, we will also provide the marketing materials that keep prospects moving through the pipeline.

These are all field-tested and proven to unplug even the stickiest flow. But as part of this class, we will teach you the techniques you need to write your own scripts. That way the knowledge you gain becomes a repeatable step in the entire process.

This is a class for salespeople. Any level of experience is welcome.

Since this is a class about learning and implementing best sales practices, it doesn’t really matter where you are in the game. You WILL get a lot out of it. After all, this is the class where some of the industry’s top salespeople first learned to sell. 

Bring a laptop, your existing sales documents, and any collateral you use during your sales process.

Also, this is a bootcamp, so come prepared for that mind shift. Sometimes changing bad habits and poor processes takes courage and commitment and a real willingness to learn new things. If you don’t come mentally equipped for that challenge, you will not get out of this class what you are looking for.

If you are ready to find real sales success, then we will help you get there.

Yes! The venue is equipped with High Speed Wi-Fi and Fiberoptic Internet Service that will be free to you.


No, current BGM System subscribers and non-clients can attend as well.

Only briefly. Since many FAs are already using different planning programs, we plan to cover some of it broadly and how it can integrate and make some recommendations for those that need it. We will discuss a couple of the more popular planning software options (eMoney and Moneyguide Pro) and how they can be used in the sales cycle.

Our team is here and ready to help!

We don’t expect your questions to be finished. Our Client Services Coordinator is here to answer all of your questions.

They can be reached at 888-495-7303. We look forward to hearing from you.

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