Suppose you want to take more time off and not come back to messes. How would you do that?
You would strengthen your practice management system.
That’s what I am going to show you in in this webinar.
In this webinar, we will focus on “work on your business, not in it.” Every financial advisor must work on it and in it. If you only work a tiny bit on it, you remain a little practice. Work too much on it, and your business is just a gorgeous architectural rendering that only exists in your mind.
What You Will Learn:
- How to set a goal for your practice management system.
- Where to start.
- How to solve almost any practice management problem.
- How many “Legos” are required for your system. (Lego® just released “Lego Titanic” with 9,090 pieces. You won’t need that many pieces. But you will need more than you thought.)
Your Presenter: Bill Good. You know me. I’ve been in this industry for a long time. When I meet someone in the industry who does not know what I do, they ask, “What do you do?” I typically reply, “I build roads and sewers.”
As you can imagine, I get a lot of raised eyebrows. I then follow with, “I design the systems financial advisors need so when they flip the switch, the lights go on.” So yes, I am qualified to teach you about system building, aka practice management.
Who Should Attend:
- You have at least one assistant.
- You want to grow your business.
- You want your practice well-organized.
- You want to take time off and not come back to messes.
Don’t. Watch the webinar below.

Bill Good
Founder & Chairman
Bill Good Marketing
webinar recording