Bill Good Marketing

Three Powerful Prospecting Strategies for Summer 2023

Most financial advisors take a break from prospecting during the summer, thinking there’s nothing they can do that will work. 

They couldn’t be more wrong.

Make no mistake, prospecting can be difficult during the summer. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. 

There are several prospecting strategies that actually work well when the weather gets hot. Some are no-brainers. Others are a bit more outside the box. All will enable you to generate new leads and maintain momentum. 

To help, we’re hosting an exclusive webinar to teach you THREE proven prospecting strategies that work during the summer. 

Our experts, Matthew Bailey (Head of Content) and Stephanie Peterson (Head of Growth), will guide you through each strategy while sharing valuable tips and real-world examples as to how to maximize their effectiveness.

Why Most Financial Advisors Stop Prospecting During the Summer

  • They have it in their head that prospecting just won’t work no matter what they do.
  • Because so many people go on vacation, seminars and cold calling tend to dry up…and most financial advisors can’t think of any other way to prospect.
  • The golf course beckons.

Because most financial adviors stop prospecting, or waste time and money on things that don’t work, you have a major opportunity to jump in and dominate your market.

The Three Keys to Summer Prospecting

There are three keys to making prospecting work during the summer. Here they are, in ascending order of importance:

1. List Building. One way to make summer prospecting work is to focus on building a small, targeted list of extremely desirable prospects. Rather than trying to cast as wide a net as possible, focus on a few specific people with specific needs or goals. You’ll understand why once you attend this webinar.
2. Leverage your relationships. This summer, focus not on making the quick sale, but on enhancing your relationship with other professionals, and leveraging the relationships you already have with your clients. As you’ll see in the webinar, it’ll pay major dividends down the road.
3. To make prospecting work this summer, start now.

This is the most important thing to understand about prospecting: Any prospecting effort, in any season, requires consistency and momentum.

Think of it like trying to dislodge a boulder from the top of a hill.

First, you have to dig around the boulder.

You have to kick and push and wiggle it loose.

Only after you’ve done that will gravity kick in.

The same is true here.

All of the ideas in this webinar will work, but they’ll work even better if you start implementing them NOW. That way, by the end of summer, gravity will have already kicked in.

So, ask yourself:

  • Do you want to keep the leads flowing this summer, or would you rather take three months off and lose all momentum?
  • Do you want to follow the herd and quit prospecting or take advantage and dominate your market?
  • Do you want three FREE strategies on how to make prospecting work during the summer?

Watch the recording below to learn the Three Powerful Prospecting Strategies that will help you reel in more hot prospects in the summer of 2023.

Steph P BW

Stephanie Peterson

Head of Growth

Bill good marketing

Matt Bailey BW 1

Matthew Bailey

Director of Content

Bill Good Marketing

webinar recording

Thumbnail Three Powerful Prospecting Strategies for Summer 2023
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