Bill Good Marketing

How to Become a More Productive Advisor

In 1985, I conducted what I believe to be the first study in the financial services industry to see what advisors do with their time. During the course of this study, I made a surprising discovery:

Advisors were worth at least $1,000 an hour when they were meeting and talking to qualified clients and prospects.

I’ve conducted that study again and again. Today, advisors are worth $1,500 per hour. Read that again. $1,500 an hour! That’s how much you’re worth.

But is it how much you’re making?

If the answer is “NO” or “I don’t know”, then it’s time to act. The first step, of course, is to build a proper team. The second step is to maximize the number of sales contacts you make during the time available for work. To do that, you need a “Model Day”. Check out this webinar with our Sr. VP of Client Success, Matt Hicken to learn more.

The third step is to increase your own productivity.

While I’ve conclusively proved that an advisor is worth at least $1,500 an hour when meeting and talking with clients, there are always other tasks that need your attention. Emails must be answered. Tasks need to be dictated to your staff. Records need to be kept.

These tasks can be a rabbit hole and take away from the activities that make you worth $1,500 an hour. The solution? Do them more efficiently. Do them more quickly. Do them better.

Here are a few tools I recommend to help you become a more productive advisor:

Dragon Productivity

Rather than a dictation service, this is dictation software. I use it whenever I need to dictate larger blocks of text than Copytalk can handle. If you take the time to train on the program (especially if you are a lousy typist), this will be a huge boost to your productivity.

Auto Text Productivity

Auto Text

You already own this. It’s built into Outlook and Word. But you need to practice it. I’ve linked this video for instructions on creating and naming Auto Text entries.

Remember, you are worth $1,500 an hour when meeting and talking with clients and prospects. Whether you actually earn that much depends on your own productivity. Now you have the tools to take your productivity to the next level.

BGM Productivity

Bill Good Marketing

The only practice management system designed to help advisors do more, sell more, and grow more

Of course, it’s not enough just to have the tools. You also need a System to help you use them properly. That’s where Bill Good Marketing comes in.

The Bill Good Marketing System is a computer-based, client marketing, prospecting, and practice management system. From our extensive library of strategies, procedures, and documents to our personalized coaching services, we have everything you need to build a proper team, manage time properly, and increase your productivity.

So, ask yourself: do you want to be more productive?

Do you want to do more, sell more, and grow more?

If so, give us a call.

Picture of Bill Good

Bill Good

Bill Good is the founder and chairman of Bill Good Marketing. His latest book, “Hot Prospects,” is No. 88 on the 96 Best Prospecting Books of All Time list and is available on Amazon. He created the Bill Good Marketing System and has been named one of the industry’s top five coaches.

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